Volume 3: One way of making a living
This volume can be described as a new edition of the Foundation’s maiden publication with a similar title. It is divided into two parts. The first is the original One Way of Making a Living Out of Life with some additions while the second discusses Women in Islam.
As a complete way of life, Islam did not leave anything to chance – spiritual or personal. Even what not to eat in order to maintain good health have been stated in the Qur’an and Hadith. Basically any other type of food is permissible. The author emphasised this and also advocated taking of balanced diet.
Anger and sexual passion are two unavoidable emotional states. Islam has prescribed ways of managing them in-house, cost-free and in the process, the individual earns reward. That is why specialisations like Anger Management are rare or non-existent in Islamic or Muslim societies; and I have not heard of “sexual passion management.” The reader will discover how to manage these according to Islamic principles.
The book also explains ways of attracting the good in others simply by keeping one’s eyes, ears, tongue and sexual organ under control. Also, personal hygiene has to be given utmost importance. The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, “Cleanliness is half of Faith.” (Muslim).
For the fact that a Muslim does not live alone, Islam has highlighted how to relate with other members of the community irrespective of whether they are Muslims or not such as parents, next of kin, neighbours, guests and so no. Furthermore, a believer’s wealth, health, knowledge or power are resources that will easily make him achieve or attain the Mercy of Allah when utilised appropriately according to laid down instructions. Else they will catalyse his entry into hell. Details in the book.
The second part is a must-read for all women; and men who have at least one female relative – close or distant. It will answer the following questions:
- What is sex education?
- What are its implications on the Muslim woman?
- How should a woman present herself in public?
- What is the basic education a woman is required to have?
- When is the appropriate time to marry?
- Who should a Muslim woman marry?
- What are the ethics of sexual relation?
- Which is better – Monogamy or Polygamy?
The author explains, “As far as marital problems are concerned, one wife does not guarantee more peace than more. The same applies to children that will be born into a family … Women must therefore note that the more and tougher the trials one is faced with, the higher the probability of raising higher on the ladder of spiritualism … This is what the status of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) informs. He was the most tried, the one that struggled most; and the most successful with the help of Allah, in whom he placed all his faith and trust, fear and hope.”
The postscript qualifies for a treatise on Sincerity. Here are excerpts: “The essence of sincerity is that it is and can be found or discovered to be right in itself. It does not require any fighting, struggle, competition or defence to enable the practitioner attain the positive and definite result … Consequently, the dangerous implication of sincerity is that, it may not in itself be enough. In other words, a sincere person may be jailed or punished … It is therefore too bad to be insincere and bad enough to be sincere for what is unacceptable.”
Dr Abdur-Rahman Mora wrote the forward.
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