Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving half a date-palm in charity
Bukhari Collection
- Volume 1: The Basis of Islam
- Volume 2: The Orientation of a Muslim
- Volume 3: One Way of Making a Living
- Volume 4: The Path for the Identity of a Muslim
- Volume 5: The Primary Status of Man in Islam
- Volume 6: Against Excuses
- Volume 7: O Believer Know Your Lord!
The themes covered in the publications cut across a few highlights that will serve as a basic foundation for appreciating the religion and way of life known as Islam.
La Ilaha Illa Lahu, Muhammadu Rasulu Llahi
The belief that there exists a supernatural being, a creator, is held by the vast majority of humans and Jinn. The pieces of evidence that Allah is this Creator are overwhelming. The best Names and Attributes belong to Him. Thus, believers have a responsibility to “hear and obey” His commandments with appreciation, gratitude and submission. By this, they are guaranteed safety and His pleasure on the Day of Resurrection. In this piece, Jimada identified two reasons why this glaring truth is overlooked, snubbed or rebuffed by some folks.
The Foundation for Submission and the Identity of Muhammad (SAW) for Believers
The objective of this work is to refresh the mind of the reader on the recorded evidences on the life and identity of Rasul (SAW), to further affirm our faith and commitment. It is aimed at laying out the foundation upon which believers stand and the stand of Muhammad (SAW) in Islam. This work is based on the Hadith collection by Imam Bukhari. It’s reading along with AGAINST EXCUSES and THE BASIS OF ISLAM will hopefully further enrich the mind of the reader and Iman.
The Manner of Allah’s Revelation of His Reality to His Creations and Guidance to His Deserved Total Submission
This third piece of the Hadith class may be regarded as an exegesis of the verse: “Certainly, prayer restrains from (committing) shameful and unjust deeds.” (Qur’an 29:45) The reader will discover that ihsan i.e. conscious submission to Allah during prayer paves the way for God-consciousness in zakat, sadaqa, fasting, Hajj and other aspects of a Muslim’s life such as interpersonal relationships. These numerous avenues of achieving ihsan and acquiring abundant rewards facilitate admittance into Paradise. However, this cannot be achieved without knowledge.
The Straight Path is the Middle Path and the Guidance
There are a number of Muslim sects, groups and associations. Each adheres strictly to a certain tenet, yet all share the same basic standard. This, the author calls the Straight Path. Therefore, superiority complex as a result of institutionalizing an extra over and above the basic standard polarizes the Ummah. Thus, leaders and Ulama of these sects, groups and associations have a responsibility of acknowledging and educating their followers that our commonality is more important than our seeming differences. Also, as followers, we have an obligation of acquiring knowledge so as not to be taken to the cleaners by a leader.
The Foundation for Citizenship and Leadership in Islam
For efficient, effective and vibrant society, a Muslim leader (whether religious or democratic) ought to be knowledgeable in Qur’an, Hadith and secular life. In addition, he must be of good conduct. A thief who becomes a leader, for example, cannot morally accuse, indict or punish a follower who steals. Citizens on their part need to know the basic tenets of their religion. Neither Islam nor Christianity teaches violence, terrorism or extremism. And in Shari’ah, both leaders and followers are guided by the same laws; there is no provision for “immunity.”
The Standard Example of Muhammad (SAW) the Messenger of Allah (SWT)
This is the sixth book of the Hadith class. Here, three topics were covered: the importance of salat as regards closeness to Allah and acceptance of du’a; authentic azkar or recital a believer should imbibe for various activities or situations he may find himself and three formulae of Salatun-Nabiyy which one may choose from.
LIVING ISLAM – The Building Blocks of Submission for Mercies
The foundation for living Islam is to seek to know Allah SWT. A believer must first submit to the commandment of Allah as exemplified by the Prophet SAW, anything less is in error. In Living Islam the Building Blocks of Submission for Mercies, Jimada outlines the ground rules of Islam that every believer must protect and strive within living Islam. It distills the essence of submission, the levels in living in the submission, to the social relationship and status of a believer, and the security that guarantees compliance. The reader will in total learn that the search for knowledge is really the principle of Islam and its application is as important as striving to know. “This is the foundation for walking towards Allah that attracts the grace of Allah running to the believers. It is based on alienation from Haram, commitment to fard, sunnah, on Oneself, in relation to others and especially to those under One’s care.”
The Tariqa of Siratal Mustaqeem
The essence of creating Man and Jinn is to worship Allah. However, for worship to be valid, it has to be done in accordance with prescribed laws, rules and regulations. In Islam, this is no more than the five pillars of Islam, namely: Iman (declaration of Faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (poor due), Sawm (fasting) and Hajj (pilgrimage). Thus, the Tariqa (path) of Islam is the observance of these five pillars according to one’s ability. Be that as it may, a Muslim is not immune to fear, trials or struggles in the course of treading this Tariqa, as these are not obstacles but tests which when passed increases one’s Iman and trust in Allah. Consequently, ultimate success is attained if a Muslim happens to die while on this Tariqa.
The second part of this book emphasizes that polygamy is the yardstick for good and just leadership. In other words, a person who has only one wife is not likely to be a just leader. The reason is simple. In a polygamous family, the man (who is the head) experiences first-hand the problems of dealing with wives and children who have different behaviours and ways of thinking. Given that such a family is a sample, subset or reflection of the society, the ability to overcome this challenge by being fair and just to all members can easily be replicated when given position of authority in a larger set up. Therefore, anyone who aspires to be a leader should use polygamy as a litmus test.
The concluding part discusses the nothingness of man and his struggles to minimize pain and maximize pleasure in this world with no limitation. However, for believers – those on this Tariqa, Allah has put in place boundaries so as to guard against excesses. These are limitations in terms of food, clothes, sex, etc.; sharing of surplus wealth and forgiveness. Despite this restricted freedom (poverty), believers enjoy their lives to the fullest and are promised a better and eternal livelihood in the hereafter provided they live and die on this Tariqa.
An Introduction to Our Belief in the Day of Judgment
One of the six articles of faith in Islam is the belief in the Day of Judgment. This piece lays bare the introduction to the belief and how the command can be adhered to by a believer in the quest for submission. The fate of any change effort depends on how sincerely one struggles to balance faith and livelihood as an individual or a leader in a society not necessarily exclusive of believers. Readers will learn that the template for submission to Allah and the example of the Prophet remains the safest and most certain path for believers at various stages in the development of their faith with consistency as the key. In the end, Jimada reaffirms that “there is no separation between beliefs and discipline or religion or living, for a believer.” At its best, “the transparency challenging for a believer and especially a leader, commences with a sincere admission and upholding of the guidance of Allah and His Messenger in all aspects of his life WITHOUT NEUTRALITY, PRESENCE, SHAME, NEGLECT OR CARELESSNESS.”
An Introduction to Belief in Allah and Living the Attribute of Opening
One of the major problems of the Ummah today is the perceived superiority of some Muslims over others due to adherence to certain injunctions of Rasul (SAW). They forget or refuse to understand that the same Rasul (SAW) showed various ways and means of achieving the same goal. For example, how does one become the best among men? By learning the Qur’an and teaching it OR by been best to one’s spouse OR by promptly paying off his debts. This means that a person who cannot belong to one category and yet want to be among the best among men has the opportunity to take advantage of an alternative. Thus, why do we eulogise ourselves because we do some acts of worship which we assume others do not? Do we know alternative acts they engage in that will make them have equivalent status as us? This is the basis for the Unity of the Ummah. The author reiterates: “It is therefore wrong for any single or group of believers to assume the status of infallibility or any superiority over others by any standard other than right knowledge and discipline of what is right by virtuous livelihood or righteousness.”
A Discourse on the Challenges of the Ummah Today
This book is an explanatory commentary of the statement of Rasul (SAW): “I have left behind two things you will never go astray as long as you hold fast onto them i.e. the Quran and Sunnah.” (Maalik) As a result, it is important for each and every Muslim to acquire knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah in order to be guided onto the Straight Path. Thus, any seemingly new or controversial practice involving acts of ibadah (prayer, fasting, etc.) as well as interpersonal relationships like marriage, divorce, trade and commerce can be evaluated based on the provisions of these two and thereby be accepted or discarded. This brings about checks and balance in the Ummah. Therefore, anyone found guilty of going against the tenets enshrined in the Qur’an and Sunnah is pointed out and reprimanded. The first Caliph, Abu Bakr (RA) waged war against Muslims who refused to pay Zakat after the demise of Rasul (SAW). Today, what punishment awaits those who do not or willfully under-pay Zakat? According to the Jimada, the foundation for dealing with this challenge is that everyone – parents, teachers, leaders, followers – should have “basic standard knowledge” of Qur’an and Sunnah.
Next, the author correlated the bankruptcy of religious knowledge and discipline with bad leadership inherent in our democracy. Why is it that a typical Nigerian politician by default is a thief or a potential thief? Being a Muslim does not ensure or guarantee safety of public trust. Bribery and corruption has become our national identity. And a person or institution perceived to be a resistant force or a threat is impeded, frustrated or kicked out. Jimada stressed that Muslims who are active participants in this rotten system lack “basic standard knowledge” of Qur’an and Sunnah, distance themselves from the learned or are outright rebels who are ready to face God’s punishment in afterlife.
As a complete way of life, Islam regulates the entire livelihood of Muslims on the principle of “do not cheat and do not allow yourself to be cheated.” To this end, those who engage in criminal activities such as rituals, kidnapping, stealing of public resources, production and sales of fake or contraband products in order to be wealthy simply showcase their deficiency of religious knowledge and disciple.
The reader will discover that the solution to these challenges in addition to acquiring “basic standard knowledge” by all and sundry is that scholars must teach and live according to authentic tenets of Islam. Also, there should be a shift from “inheritance model” to “knowledge and discipline model” in succession of leadership of the Ummah.
The Path to Ummahood in Nigeria
This book is a collection of papers written and presented by Muhammad Sa’idu Jimada at various Islamic fora, though in one or two occasions, a representative delivered the paper(s). These were picked out of several others because they attempt to define the prerequisites of establishing an Ummah especially in an environment like Nigeria. The papers included in the book are:
- Discipline as an explanatory solution to all explanatory solutions that have failed in contemporary Nigeria.
- The Islamic framework for the unity of Muslims (Towards an understanding of Islamic consciousness).
- The Muslim Ummah: Overcoming the inertia and facing the challenges of today (An introduction to the perplexed).
- Who is a democratic leader? An attempt to unveil the realities of: Our empty political struggles, our destructive social beingness, our wretched investments.
- Sincerity the key to success: The case of Islam.
- Towards an understanding.
Ummahood Concerns and Explanatory Comments
In Ummahood Concerns and Explanatory Comments, Jimada has painted the final points of governance as he carefully laid the cornerstones of a purposeful discuss that distills lessons from successful leaderships along with all the historical dividends squandered on the account of the present-day leaders who have made the mortal mistake of arrogating to themselves the monopoly of wisdom. The author calls them “CONCERNS”. It is the just-in-time guide to correcting the tragedy of a gigantic nation. The reader will learn how religion is key in the heart of Nigeria’s development with safety nets that guarantee the right to liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness for all. That the long time health of a society not only requires but demands that leaders must unite and pull in the same direction. Only then will we immunize ourselves from a catastrophic future.
The Consequence of Poverty Which Arises From Corruption Is Defined By the Nature or Characteristics of Prosperity
The main thrust of this write-up is to redefine poverty. Being irresponsible for others and even going as far as milking them in the quest for better livelihood is what poverty entails. “Poverty commences from the difference in the provisions of prosperity between men ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS … the abuse of this definition only generates the consequences of more stress, more fears, more costs, etc. and indeed less peace in spite of more materials, equipment, facilities, services, opportunities, etc.”
Secondly, believers are reminded that they should not jump the red-light in their pursuit of adornments of this world. Of course, a believer can own a luxury yacht, a motor-home, or go on vacation in the moon; but these should be done within the limits of the Shari’ah. In other words, prosperity should not be pursued with proceeds of corruption, inciting violence, or genocide in whatever guise. This is because one day, he will die and account for his actions.
Challenges of Democracy to Believers
In this compelling and gracefully written piece, Jimada outlines the challenges of modern democracy to believers in Nigeria and in their own context. Democracies are forged all over all the world with the common goal of improving lives and protecting values that bind nations together. He points out sharply that “what cuts across Nigeria is what can unite us and the option is not faith-free or one religion. We are multi-religious people and can intelligently organize ourselves for common safety and prosperity”.
Indeed, the penholder further describes the importance of taking a different approach by letting go of the misconceptions in the differences in dialect, geography, faith, and even loose influences by social media, movies, and television. Democracies that appear to be leading in a certain direction have unexpected human behaviour to deal with because the bile that destroys usually comes in the form of neutrality which is capable of changing everything in a heartbeat. Meaning more precisely that “we have the responsibility of giving God some respectful space to support us. And the singular condition is that of compliance to His Commandments. Then we shall have a true feel of His presence with us. His blessings will flow freely. We will not need to mix-up cultism or sorcery with His worship”. Only then can believers build a purpose-centered culture which realizes that “there is no evil in being the same or different in language or geographical location. What is evil, is to make it a vehicle while being a party to unity with another or others that differ IN PROCESSING THE UNITY OF ALL FOR THE SAFETY AND PROSPERITY OF ALL. This is not suitable for the unity our constitution has defined and provided for. This is not for Muslims or Christians”.
A nation has reached its end when its basic aspirations are exhausted or threatened by share ignorance. Economic growth is not a God-given birthright. Nations must necessarily put in place structures that will aid in the fulfillment of such ideals, else the entire project of civilized democracy will turn to dust.
An Introduction to the Basis and Nature of a Believer’s Struggles
The path to return to Paradise after Adam (and by extension, man) was thrown out of it is not a bed of roses. A believer have to struggle to overcome whisperings of Satan/Iblis – among Jinn and among men. It is important for the believer to know that Satan is always with him when sleeping, during his prayer, when having sexual relations with his spouse, etc. The stronger one’s belief is, the more Satan tries to muddle his affairs. Thus, Rasul (SAW) has described several methods of escaping from his traps ranging from Azkar to ablution-cum-prayer. A believer is encouraged to learn recommended Azkar to be recited at the beginning, during and end of various activities and as well teach his family members.
However, man need not always blame Satan for his misdeeds such as greed and hypocrisy due to the free will he enjoys. These are bad at a personal level, worse at the family level and worst if exhibited by leaders. Greed makes leaders be corrupt while hypocrisy makes them lie and betray trust. “And the more a society is led by hypocrites the less the experiencing of the blessings of Allah that are bonuses. Indeed even universal ones like rains and breast milk, peace and prosperity will dwindle”. As a result, a believer is advised to seek unadulterated religious knowledge, be disciplined, have self-control and always do the right thing at the right time.
An Introduction to the Meaning of Submission to Allah and His Messenger
The first pillar of Islam is Kalimatu shahada. Without it, other pillars are void. This second booklet in this series seeks to enlighten the reader that shahada is much more than a verbal utterance. A believer’s actions need to walk the talk. This has to begin with parents. When a parent lies or does not fulfil promises, what moral right does he have to tell his children not to do the same? Thus, the shahada of Muslim parents should reflect primarily in their behaviours, attitudes and way of life and secondarily in those of their children – the youth.
Another facet of shahada is to strive physically, materially and otherwise in uplifting and spreading the deen. It is an oxymoron to proclaim shahada and not be interested in matters/affairs related to Allah and His Messenger. For example, most wealthy Muslims find it difficult to help teachers of Qur’an and Hadith in their vicinity while praise singers and sycophants who visit them are spontaneously gifted money, houses, cars and return tickets to Saudi Arabia for Umrah or Hajj.
Belief in the Prophet (SAW) means emulating his character. He is thankful to Allah for the favours bestowed on him, he seeks forgiveness of sins (which he is immune from committing) on a daily basis, he unconditionally trusts and depends on Allah, he does not return evil with evil, and so on. In summary, the Ummah will be lively and serene if parents and youths imbibe the tenets of shahada in words and more importantly in action.
An Introduction to the Generation of Believers That Must Remain in Our Focus
Apart from Rasul (SAW), the companions especially Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali are expected to serve as role models for believers. This third booklet highlights the qualities of these Rightly Guided Caliphs as individuals and as leaders. In addition to the obligatory acts of worship, they equally engaged in lots of voluntary acts like salat, fasting and sadaqa. This made them be among the ten companions who were given glad tidings of Jannah before their deaths. As leaders, they were just, humble, had good, honest and responsible advisers and cared about the welfare of the Ummah. In contrast, leaders of today act as demi-gods. They are more interested in taking care of themselves and their families while the Ummah is thrown into abeyance.
A number of social vices such as fornication, adultery, prostitution as well as animalistic behaviours like single parenthood to a large extent are propelled by non-adherence to the guidance of Rasul (SAW) and the early generations of believers. These include unnecessary conditions to be met before marriage is contracted, making monogamy a standard, despising marriage to widows, etc. believers should be aware that Shari’ah has instituted safeguards against societal disequilibrium. Modernisation or westernisation ought not to make us consider established practices of early generations of believers as outdated.
An Introduction to the Ultimate Goal of a Believer
The ultimate goal of a believer is to be admitted into Jannah, Paradise, Garden of Eden. However, the path to it was described by the Prophet (SAW) is surrounded by adversity. This is because a believer is expected to stick to Allah at all times i.e. as regards the affairs of this world and the hereafter. Salat serves as a reset button, a reminder, five times a day that Allah is Aware, Seeing and Hearing whatever we do. Through Zikr and du’a which have no numbered restriction per day, we surrender our affairs to Allah. Istikhara is enjoined as a bonus for guidance.
The next section of the book discussed signs of the Last Hour. The objective is that believers should not be carried away by the mirage of the glamour of this world as it will soon come to an end. Even though the “when” of the Hour is unknown, most of the signs have come to pass. The easily recognised one is that leadership is given to those who do not deserve it. Despite that, the author advocates that everyone should endeavour to correct that. According to him, “a good pointer is that those certified to have acquired the HIV are been encouraged to live well with it. Those battling high blood pressure and diabetes are no different. It is, therefore, neither reasonable nor sensible to either commit suicide or refuse to make the best possible efforts in the present circumstance.”
Next, the reader is reminded about death and questioning in the grave because they are necessary hurdles to cross before admittance into Jannah. Finally, Jannah is described using the Qur’an and Hadith as references in order to ginger up parents and youths to make every effort in doing good and forsaking evil.
An Introduction to the Unity of Allah through the History of Believers
It is said that experience is the best teacher. Such experience may be ours or that of others otherwise known as history. This fifth booklet is premised upon the fact that a lot can be learned about the Power of Allah to do as He wishes through the history of believers and transgressors. Ibrahim (AS) and Uzair (AS) witnessed how Allah gives life to the dead. Thus, resurrection is certain and very easy for Allah. The story of those who fled from their land due to the plague and died where they thought was a safe haven is a testimony that one cannot avoid his destiny. He can only run but cannot hide.
The powerful People of the Elephant were pelted and wealthy Qarun was swallowed by the earth as a result of pride while knowledgeable Bal’am got transformed into a beast because he transgressed. One lesson to learn from the history of these people is that Allah’s favours should not be misused, else the repercussions may begin to manifest right from this world. Also, Allah has so many ways, means, methods, and techniques of punishing his erring servants.
In addition, there are lessons to pick up from the history of believers who were not even Prophets. The story of the two companions shows the importance of thanking Allah for His blessings upon us. Our power and wisdom cannot attract any benefit which Allah has not willed. A number of those with less power and wisdom have more than what we boast of and many with more power and wisdom than us possess less. A poor couple miraculously saw grains and meat in their house due to total dependence on Allah for sustenance. And the passion to please Allah and His Messenger made a companion to deprive himself and his family dinner in order to entertain the guest of Rasul (SAW). How many of us can be patient to even share our meal with a stranger talkless of forfeiting the whole meal?
Zikr minal Kitabi was-Sunnah
A collection of authentic Azkar (invocations) from the Qur’an and Sunnah.
English translation and commentary of Zikr minal Kitabi was-Sunnah
Jimada outlined the reasons he compiled these wonderful invocations from the Qur’an and Sunnah in the introduction. The Arabic text was translated into English sentence by sentence for better comprehension of the content. This is further supported by an explanatory commentary.
The Forgotten History – Contributions of Muslims to Modern Science
A highlight of the contributions of Muslims to Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Economics, etc. It is interesting to discover that a number of Laws such as the Laws of Motion in Physics and Laws of Demand and Supply in Economics were first stated by Muslim scientists. They also introduced the number ‘zero.’ Little wonder the numbers (1, 2, 3, …) are called ‘Arabic numerals.’ The foundations of Algebra and Geometry were equally laid by them. In medicine, they were the first to use laboratory animals for medical research.
Significance and Applications of Arabic Alphabetic Numerals (Abajad)
Just like the Greeks and Hebrews, Arabs had a system of using alphabets to represent numbers called Abajad. In this short piece, the reader will discover its significance and wide range of applications such as facilitating the memorization of numbers and determining the hidden or deeper meaning of words.
Qiraa’a – The Foundation of Learning the Recitation of the Qur’an
This book which is in three parts with a total of 35 lessons gives a step-by-step guide on how to recite the Qur’an. Principally written for children, it covers alphabets, vowels, and preliminaries of Tajweed. What makes the book unique is that all words, phrases, clauses and sentences used as examples are from the Qur’an. Also, brief instruction on how each lesson is to be taught is incorporated in order to serve as a guide to the teacher.